Complete Blood Count Interpretation made incredibly simple (#medicinesimplified #medicallectures)

Complete Blood Count Interpretation made incredibly simple (#medicinesimplified #medicallectures)

Wow!!! This is an incredible video on full blood count interpretation. Here the relevant basic sciences behind the full blood count is explained. #completebloodcount, #fullbloodcount‪@tutormed‬ simplifies the concept such that it is easy to understand the reason why certain medical conditions have some lab features This is Complete Blood Count made incredibly easy #anemia #laboratory #medicallectures #easymedical #labinvestigations #medicine To see our simplified video on hepatitis B profile interpretation, click this link    • Hepatitis B profile made incredibly e...   To see our simplified video on excellent medical history taking, click this link    • Medical History taking made easy and ...   To see our simplified video on how the practice and learning of medicine fun and interesting, click this link    • How To Make Learning & Practicing Med...   Checkout the timecodes for this video 1:25 - 1st Principles 7:20 - Red cell parameters analysis 12:42 - Steps to interpret the RBC parameters 28:00 - RBC interpretation summary 28:59 - White cell parameters analysis 33:58 - Platelet analysis 36:06 - Pancytopenia mnemonic Kindly support us by liking and sharing this video! Reach us via [email protected] with all your questions Enjoy the watch! :)