Blood Group Test | How To Check Own Blood Group. ब्लड ग्रुप पता लगाए आसानी से वीडियो देखें

Blood Group Test | How To Check Own Blood Group. ब्लड ग्रुप पता लगाए आसानी से वीडियो देखें

Blood Group Test | How To Check Own Blood Group. ब्लड ग्रुप पता लगाए आसानी से वीडियो देखें Your Queries:- There are eight blood groups you can belong to A Rh+, A Rh-, B Rh+, B Rh-, AB Rh+, AB Rh-, O Rh+, and O Rh -, although doctors usually leave out the Rh and just say + or -. What blood type a person ends up with is determined by genetics. To figure out a person’s blood type, doctors can use two methods: ABO Typing or back typing. In ABO typing, doctors take blood and mix it with serums containing the antibodies in Type A and B blood. Anti-A serum, you have to type A blood, Anti-B serum, you have type B blood. Both anti-A and anti-B serums, you have type AB blood If your blood cells do not stick together when anti-A and anti-B are added, you have type O blood. In backtesting, known A and B cells are added to samples. If the blood clumps together only when B cells are added, the donor has to type A blood. If the blood clumps together when A cells are added, the donor is Type B. And if the blood clumps when either type of cell is added, the donor has Type O blood. No clumping indicates Type AB. Rh is determined by mixing in anti-Rh serum. If the blood cells stick together when the serum is added, the person is Rh-positive; if not, the person is Rh-negative. The blood will agglutinate if the antigens in the patient's blood match the antibodies in the test tube. Antibodies attach to A antigens - they match like a lock and key - and thus form a clump of red blood cells. In the same way, B antibodies attach to B antigens and Rh antibodies to Rh antigens. In the test tubes where agglutination has occurred, the patient's red blood cells have been linked together, like bunches of grapes, instead of floating around one by one. To determine the blood group please follow the following steps - 1- Sterilize the finger with alcohol 2- Gently massage the finger so that there will be an increase in the flow of blood 3- Prick the finger and place three drops of blood on the slide for the determination of blood group 4- Now mark them as A, B, and D (O) so that there may be ease in blood group determination 5- Respectively add one to two drop of serum kit respectively 6- Mix them properly in separate stirrer 7- Observe the presence of agglutination, confirm the blood group for test 8- D or O show positive or negative - agglutinated means - positive #Pharmacologyclass #Pharmacognosyvideos #GPATonlinetest #GPATclass #GPATvideos #Microbiologyclass#Microbiology#