This Creature Will Stalk You...The Shloringus
#minecrafthorror #fromthefog #cavedweller #horrorgaming #minecraftsurvival #dweller #horrormods Minecraft Horror: Surviving the Stalker Shloringus! 👁️😱 (New Horror Mod) Description: Welcome to one of the creepiest Minecraft horror mods yet—Shloringus! In this video, we dive into a nightmare world where the Shloringus stalks our every move. This new horror mod specializes in psychological terror, with the Shloringus lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike when you least expect it. Can we survive its relentless stalking, or will we fall into its sinister trap? MOD: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/... ----------------------------IGNORE---------------------------- PLX is playing Minecraft horror mods! We make videos like Calvin, Swayle, Chiefxd, Kihec and idksomeguy. Some Types of videos that we make are playing UPDATED Minecraft Mods like One Who Watches Mod which is HORRIFYING or even the NEW Boiled One Horror Mod which is DISTURBING In Minecraft and many more like Man From the Fog, the Cave Dweller, The Goatman, Cartoon Cat, the boiled one, the anomaly, and even Sirenhead, the Knocker, Bigfoot, The Silence, The judge, Herobrine, and the night prowler. ------------------------------TAGS------------------------------ #minecraft #Shloringus #minecrafthorror #HorrorMods #minecraftmods #survivalhorrorgaming #stalkermod #scaryminecraft #minecraft #scary #minecrafthorror #lord0wnage #minecraft #minecraftscary #minecraftmods #creepypasta #creepycraft #cavedweller #scary #fromthefog #minecrafthorror #minecraftmodded #newmods #horrorgaming #inyourworld #mods #anomaly #theboyandthebath #doctornowhere #theboiledone #shloringus