8 signs you're dealing with childhood trauma💔 (sessions #7)

8 signs you're dealing with childhood trauma💔 (sessions #7)

This video describes 8 common areas of difficulty for people who have experienced childhood trauma (also differentiating from autism/adhd in terms of the relational impact of childhood trauma vs neurodivergent qualities, developmental challenges, etc and why important to discuss and differentiate.) ***This "Sage Sessions" series will start broadly and in the next few videos I will start diving into each of the topics (ie attachment, autism, adhd, trauma, childhood, adult relationships etc) in MORE SPECIFIC detail (ie "what happens when someone with avoidant attachment ends a relationship..." xo *3 FREE ONLINE COURSE LESSON PREVIEWS**** FROM MY NEW COURSE "THE HYPER-VIGILANT TRAUMA PERSONALITY FROM EGGSHELL PARENTS": LINK: https://drkimsage.thinkific.com/enrol... I am also working on creating a free weekly newsletter and will be sharing more info soon! 🌷NEW COURSE! "THE HYPER-VIGILANT TRAUMA PERSONALITY FROM EGGSHELL PARENTS AND PARTNERS" on thinkific.com: https://drkimsage.thinkific.com/ FOR MORE INFORMATION ON DR. KIM SAGE'S ONLINE COURSES AND FREE COURSE: https://www.drsagehelp.com