Day 28: LAM Beej Mantra | The LAM Mantra for Root Chakra - A 30 Day Challenge
Day 28: LAM Beej Mantra | The LAM Mantra for Root Chakra - A 30 Day Challenge मूलाधार चक्र ROOT CHAKRA means "Source of Existence". Mula is a root, and dhara is a flux. In everyday life, especially when pursuing spirituality, the root chakra serves as an anchor that anchors you and provides you with much-needed solidity. Start Your Healing Now!! Start Your Healing Now!! ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ★☆★🎧 Some more videos on HO'OPONOPONO 🎧★☆★ 🎧 HO'OPONOPONO Prayer Meditation Mantra | LOA 2022 👉 • HO'OPONOPONO Prayer Meditation Mantra... 🎧 Ho'oponopono Mantra Meditation | HAWAIIAN PRAYER FOR GRATITUDE & FORGIVENESS 👉 • Ho'oponopono Mantra Meditation | HAW... ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ★☆★SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE★☆★ https://bit.ly/356yRU6 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ★☆★🎧 Check out our Following Playlists 🎧★☆★ 🎧 SUBLIMINALS 👉 shorturl.at/sFT04 🎧 AFFIRMATIONS FOR LOVE, ROMANCE & RELATIONSHIP👉 shorturl.at/kHIN3 🎧AFFIRMATIONS FOR MONEY, WEALTH & ABOUNDANCE 👉 shorturl.at/apqI4 🎧AFFIRMATIONS FOR BEAUTY AFFIRMATIONS 👉 shorturl.at/bBOTZ 🎧AFFIRMATIONS FOR HEALTHY LIFE 👉 shorturl.at/owAB0 🎧 RELAXING REIKI HEALING MEDITATION 👉 shorturl.at/dnrFO 🎧AFFIRMATIONS FOR JOB, CAREER GROWTH & SUCCESS 👉 shorturl.at/cktAS 🎧AFFIRMATIONS FOR CONCEPTION, FERTILITY & PREGNANCY 👉shorturl.at/inI35 🎧AFFIRMATIONS FOR DAILY AFFIRMATIONS 👉 shorturl.at/izB18 🎧AFFIRMATIONS FOR STUDENTS 👉 shorturl.at/aovwH ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ FACEBOOK ► / universal-affirmations-108634078068116 INSTAGRAM ► / universalaffirmations1 PINTEREST ►https://www.pinterest.co.uk/universal... SUBSCRIBE ► https://bit.ly/356yRU6 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– #universalaffirmations #chakrabalancing #chakrahealing #subconsciousmind #thelawofattraction #mindset #affirmations #loa #positiveaffirmations #manifest #lawofattraction #loa #universalaffirmation #guidedmeditation ✔️ Leave a comment below with your biggest takeaway from this video👇 ✔️ Share this video with someone else who needs to hear this message today ✔️ Be the first to know when we release new videos Subscribe Us 👉 https://bit.ly/356yRU6 ✔️ Be the first to know when we release new videos 👉 https://bit.ly/356yRU6