Sunday, January 22, 2023 - 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary
For the third Sunday after the Epiphany, Rev. Karyn Richards-Kuan will discuss Luke 2:22-38. The Livestream begins at 10:20a.m. PDT. Worship begins at 10:30a.m. PDT. Order of Worship: https://fumcpdx.org/wp-content/upload... You can make your general offering online at https://www.fumcpdx.org/give Checks can be made out to “First United Methodist Church” and mailed to: 1838 SW Jefferson St Portland OR 97201 Register Your Attendance or Share a Prayer Request here: https://fumcpdx.org/contact-us/ Listen by Phone If you or someone you know does not have access to the internet, you can now listen to the 10:30 am Sanctuary service by any phone. We are resuming in-person service so we will upload the audio on Sunday afternoons by 1pm (PT). You can also listen at any time throughout the week. To Listen: Call 1-503-272-1513 and that’s it!