Prolactin Regulation EXTREMELY POWERFUL!!! (Energetically Programmed)
Prolactin is a hormone secreted by the adenohypophysis, and its main function is to stimulate milk production by the mammary glands and breast enlargement. The increased production of prolactin causes hyperprolactinemia, causing, in women, menstrual alterations and infertility. In men, it causes sexual impotence by impairing testosterone production, and also breast enlargement. High prolactin in women can cause the following symptoms: irregular menstrual cycles or even the absence of menstruation; discharge from the breasts, when the woman is not pregnant or breastfeeding painful sexual intercourse due to vaginal dryness acne and excessive growth of body and facial hair bone weakness reduced production of other hormones by the pituitary gland as a result of tumor pressure loss of sexual interest severe headaches vision disorders infertility; High prolactin symptoms in man The outlet of milk by the man’s nipple, may be present in some cases, and may be observed when the doctor presses the darkest region of the breast. Other symptoms are: Decreased sexual desire; Sexual impotence; Decrease in the number of spermatozoids; Reduction of the levels of testosterone; Increase of the mamas and secretion of milk, can happen rarely. extra strong https://gum.co/bWrDm This file is programmed to reduce excess prolactin and promote perfect balance in the human body. ↷Sigh Energy uses frequencies, energetic, magnetic, and scalar wave commands that really work safely and effectively. All of the channel's programs have been tested before, and for that reason they are here FREE to benefit the greatest number of people possible. The energetic information in the videos and mp3s work directly with your first level DNA (atomic) through resonance causes your changes, so it is important to play every day without fail. the programs are made in the 7th dimension of reality). We are available for requests. Feel free to request formulas in the comments section. INSTRUCTIONS: Use headphones or speakers. Use 2-3 times a day. Share your experience below in the comments section. when you use any file it would be interesting to already say thank you because when it is touched your future self is already experiencing it and soon it will appear to you in this reality. just say thank you my future self because you are being realized. Be grateful Pass on the information so others can benefit and heal their problems. All files have Unconditional Love included All files have protection against any kind of negative stuff. All files can only be used for your own good and for the good of others. Overdose protection (in case you forget it in the loop) If there is something you don't like here, find another channel, you are beautiful, wonderful, perfect, thankful for your life. Custom Audio and Mp3 https://gumroad.com/sighenergy