Why There Is No Bridge Over Amazon River | Why Is It Too Difficult To Build Bridge Over Amazon River

Why There Is No Bridge Over Amazon River | Why Is It Too Difficult To Build Bridge Over Amazon River

Hi! In this video, we will know why the Amazon River has no bridge. So, if you want to know the reason behind it, watch this video until the end. Thank You #factswithnihar #amazonriver #amazonrainforest #factsinhindi #nileriver #amazonforest #mysteriousforest #amazon #hindifacts #nihararora #facts About Amazon Forest:- The Amazon is one of our planet's most well-known rivers. For many years, it has drawn increased attention from scientists and tourists from all of the world alike. Believe us when we say it has something to amaze you. Today, you'll learn why the Amazon attracts hundreds of surfers every year, how dolphins appeared in the fullest river in the world, and why there are no bridges across this river. The Amazon can be proudly called the fullest river on the Earth. The average water flow in the Amazon is 5 times greater than its closest competitor the Kongo and makes up 20% of the total flow of water in rivers that run into the world ocean. This magnificent river pours over 200,000 tons of water into the Atlantic ever second and pushes that water up to 100 miles off the coast. Your Queries:- Why Has No One Ever Built A Bridge Across The Amazon? अमेजन नदी के ऊपर पुल क्यों नहीं बनाया जा सका अमेज़न नदी पर पुल बनाना इतना मुश्किल क्यूँ? Why Amazon River Has No Bridge? अमेज़न नदी पर आज तक कोई पुल क्यों नहीं बना सका ? Amazon Forest Mystery Amazon River Mysterious Facts Mystery Of Amazon Rainforest In Hindi Tags:- why amazon river has no bridge,why the amazon river has no bridges,this is why the amazon river has no bridges,why are there no bridges on the amazon river,why bridges cant be built on amazon river,amazon river bridge,bridges and amazon river,amazon,amazon river (river),why amazon river is dangerous,amazon river brazil documentary,amazon river brazil,scariest animals of the amazon river,why bridges cant be built on amazon,amazon river animals Disclaimer ☛ The objective of this video is sharing of information. Please note our objective is not to hurt the sentiments of any particular person, sect, or religion. These are revelations, stories, facts, and information meant only for educational purposes. Thankyou मुझे Instagram पे follow करना न भूले 👉MY INSTAGRAM PROFILE :-  / factswithnihar