11/25/2020 Wednesday service -  Hope Lutheran SSC Live Stream

11/25/2020 Wednesday service - Hope Lutheran SSC Live Stream

No online bulletin hopelutheranssc.com youtube: Hope Lutheran SSC Used by permission LSBHymnLicense.net #100012094 11/22/2020 #549 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name -Text: Edward Perronet, 1726-92, sts. 1-5, alt.; A Selection of Hymns, London, 1787, sts. 6-7, alt. -Tune: Oliver Holden, 1765-1844; setting: Service Book and Hymnal, 1958 -Text and Music: Public domain #735 Have No Fear, Little Flock -Text: Heinz Werner Zimmerman, b. 1930, st. 1; Marjorie A Jillson, b. 1931, sts. 2-4 -Tune: Heinz Werner Zimmerman, b. 1930 -Text and tune: © 1973 Concordia Publishing House #525 Crown Him with Many Crowns -Text: Matthew Bridges, 1800-94, sts. 1-3, 5, alt.; Godfrey thring, 1823-1903, st. 4 -Tune: George J. Elvey, 1816-93; setting: Service Book and Hymnal, 1958 -Text and Tune: Public Domain