ENTER TOPH! Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 2x5 2x6 Reaction!
Avatar The Last Airbender Reaction WE LOVE TOPH! One of the best new characters! We made it to SEASON 2!! THE EARTH KINGDOM! Has Taylor watched any good shows in her life!? SHEESH! LOL Watch along with us as I introduce her to the classic animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. We are currently THREE WEEKS AHEAD on our Extra Extra Tier on Patreon and one week ahead on Tea Time! Our Joe Schmoe tier also has access to the same uploads on YouTube but the FULL reaction! Patreon link: Patreon.com/tayscupofjoe So happy to continue these reactions!! Follow us on Instagram at https://instagram.com/tayscupojoe?igs... Follow us Individually at Taylor's Personal Instagram: https://instagram.com/taylor.britto?i... Wellz's Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CfCUWEkJX...