Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Mission 3: Heart of Darkness - Hard - (HD) - (Non-Commentary)

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Mission 3: Heart of Darkness - Hard - (HD) - (Non-Commentary)

►Subscribe & Check out My Channel to see other Games I Play and Finished!    / @agenthunk5070   ►Donation PayPal Link: ►Playlist Link:    • Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Mission ...   ►Twitter:   / mikeshanks1984   ►Reddit:   / me-262-schwalbe   ►Steam: ************************************************************************** Welcome to A Non-Commentary Game-Play Of Battlefield Bad Company 2 The Goal is to Complete Mission and Objectives! Hard Difficulty! Enjoy! It took me 1 week to do this Campaign! If you enjoyed the video, please remember to leave a Like, Comment & Share with your friends. I appreciate it! ************************************************************************** Hashtags: #battlefieldbadcompany2 #bravo2actual #battlefieldbadcompany ************************************************************************** Cutscene 0:00:00 Proceed to Aguire 1:52 Cutscene 3:00 Withstand Counterattack 4:10 Take out PBL 6:00 Find Transport Upriver 6:43 Proceed Upriver 8:48 Ambush 10:26 Resupply at Flynns Supply Cache 12:00 M-Com Station 12:09 Resupply at Flynns Supply Cache 12:24 M-Com Station 13:21 Resupply at Flynns Supply Cache 13:36 Find Transport Upriver 14:08 Sweep and Clear Militia Logging Camp 15:10 Secure Access Road 20:13 ************************************************************************** The squad travels to Bolivia in search of Aguire. ************************************************************************** Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Spec Ops Playlist Link ►   • RE: Operation Raccoon City - Mission ...   Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City USS Playlist Link ►   • Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City...   RE Mansion/Zero Playlist Link ►   • Resident Evil: Zero - Hard Mode - (PC...   RE2 Remake Playlist Link ►   • Resident Evil 2 - Remake - Claire A -...   RE3 Remake Playlist Link ►   • Resident Evil 3 - Remake - Hardcore -...   RE 4 Playlist Link ►   • Resident Evil 4 - Assignment Ada - (P...   RE Revelations Playlist Link ►   • Resident Evil - Revelations - Inferna...   RE 5 Playlist Link ►   • Resident Evil 5 - Professional - (PC)...   RE 7 Playlist Link ►   • RE7 - MadHouse - (PC) - No Damage - A...   RE 8 Playlist Link ►   • RE8 - Village of Shadows - (PC) - No ...   Shadow of Rose Playlist Link ►   • RE8 - HardCore - Shadows of Rose - (P...   ************************************************************************** This was done from my Gaming PC,I have the express right to freely share my gaming experience. My Constitutional Rights shall not be infringed!!!! Fair Use U.S. Code § 107... ESRB Mature 17+ Mission 3: Heart of Darkness Difficulty: Hard Graphics: Maxed 1920x1080p PC Steam