Scone Baking 101 | A Beginner's Guide to Light & Fluffy Scones at Home

Scone Baking 101 | A Beginner's Guide to Light & Fluffy Scones at Home

SCONE BAKING 101 | A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO LIGHT & FLUFFY SCONES AT HOME Subscribe ➡️ In this episode, I'm taking you through scone baking 101. I learned how to make the best light and fluffy scones from scratch at a renowned farm shop in rural Scotland, called Loch Arthur. This is a buttermilk scones recipe, and they come out of the oven perfectly every single time. If you want to learn how to make perfect scones, an important part of scone baking 101, is to weigh your ingredients with a scale instead of using cup measures. Weighing will improve your results ten fold. You will end up with the best cheese scones, or any other flavour you choose. Light and fluffy scones FULL RECIPE: This basic technique can be used for these cheddar cheese scones, or any type of sweet or savoury scone. Using this technique, you will have perfect scones every time. Let's connect on Social!   / howtomakedinner     / howtomakedinner     / howtomakedinner   #HOWTOMAKEDINNER #SCONES