2020/10/18 Sunday Worship Service “Who to Vote for This Year”
“Who to Vote for This Year” (Psalm 146:3-10) - Pastor Rolland helps us view the upcoming election through the lens of scripture. This is the Sunday morning sermon at Rosemont Baptist Church in Montrose, Colorado. Rosemont Baptist’s mission is passionately bringing people face-to-face with the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. We pray that these sermons will encourage you and build you up in the Lord Jesus Christ. All scripture references are from the New American Standard Bible unless otherwise noted. If you find the worship or sermon encouraging or challenging please let us know! We would love to hear how our ministry is helping you grow in your faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. You can reach us by filling out a 'Connect Card' on our website at: https://RosemontBaptist.org or by sending us an email at: [email protected] Join us Live online for Worship & Devotional Sermons every week! THURSDAYS at 7:00 PM for "Time In The Word" Devotional SUNDAYS at 10:45 AM for Worship Services