Problem 5 friction , two blocks connected with horizontal  rigid bar, Engineering mechanics

Problem 5 friction , two blocks connected with horizontal rigid bar, Engineering mechanics

Two blocks connected by horizontal rigid bar AB are supported on two rough planes . The coefficient of friction between black A and horizontal surface is 0.39. The limiting angle of friction between block B and inclined plane is 20°. The weight of Block B is 5 N. Find the smallest weight W of the block A for which equilibrium of system exists? Please refer my following Playlists , Links are given: 1. Theory of Machines or Kinematics of Machines play list    • Theory Of Machines playlist   2. Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines playlist    • Fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines   3. Refrigeration and air conditioning playlist    • Refrigeration and air conditioning   4. Renewable Energy engineering or Non-convensional energy sources play list    • Renewable energy engineering/ Non-con...   5. Dynamics of Machinery play list    • Dynamics of machinery / Mechanical Vi...   6. Engineering graphics or Engineering drawing play list    • Engineering Graphics Playlist   7. Engineering Mechanics Playlist    • Engineering Mechanics Playlist   8. Power plant engineering play list    • Power Plant Engineering( Mechanical B...   9. Engineering Thermodynamics play list    • Thermodynamics / Thermal Engineering ...   10. Heat and mass transfer play list    • Heat and Mass Transfer Playlist   11. Operation research play list    • Operation Research Playlist   12. Strength of material playlist    • Strength Of Materials Play list   13. Control Engineering/ Control systems engineering playlist    • Control engineering playlist ( Mechan...