Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Welcome and Thank you for joining our worship. Streaming License Licensee: St. Paul's Lutheran Church 205 St Paul Church Rd Salisbury, NC 28146 Term: Dec 22, 2021 - Dec 22, 2022 Average Weekly Attendance: 1 - 199 License #: 14408 URL: stpaulslutheran.church GRANT OF LICENSE. St. Paul's Lutheran Church is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license during the term of the agreement to publicly play, perform, and transmit via the website noted above, any musical composition controlled by one or more of the domestic Performing Rights Organizations (ASCAP, BMI and SESAC),as stated in the CCS WORSHIPcast License Terms and Conditions. Performance License Licensee: St. Paul's Lutheran Church 205 St Paul Church Rd Salisbury, NC 28146 Term: Dec 22, 2021 - Dec 22, 2022 Average Weekly Attendance: 1 - 199 License #: 14408 GRANT OF LICENSE. St. Paul's Lutheran Church is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license during the term of the agreement to publicly play and perform in any of the Licensee’s facilities within the United States any musical composition controlled by one or more of the domestic Performing Rights Organizations (ASCAP,BMI and SESAC), as stated in the CCS PERFORMmusic License Terms and Conditions.