Intention Tremor - Hatho ka kapna ka ilaj | Causes in Urdu/Hindi | Dr. Khalid Jamil
ہمارے ہاتھ کیوں کانپتے ہیں؟ جانیے وجوہات اور آسان علاج '' Intention tremor '' A rhythmic, oscillatory, and high amplitude tremor during a directed and purposeful motor movement, worsening before reaching the endpoint. #handshakingproblems #Howtotreattremor #IntentionTremor “Nai Manzalain Naye Rastey” a comprehensive book on various disabilities is one of his distinct works. He has written various books on social issues and scientific explanations of various spiritual phenomena. His books Tesra Pehlu and Darhaqiqat cover diverse social issues.