![[Deemo] Rainbow's End Piano Cover](https://krtube.net/image/v5g13rVuEOk.webp)
[Deemo] Rainbow's End Piano Cover
Mmm yes, starting the year off with some Deemo again. Let me know what you think! :] Might've started plotting when: Fesnir: Yes, you will play it Sean: no u Fesnir: wat Sean: I think I'll let my Sibelius player do it Fesnir: i am not opposed to stealing the music from you jkjk So the grand plot twist is... I did steal it (dw the transcriber gave me consent). There were a few LH to RH (and vice versa) voicing changes along with a few adjustments from the notes transcribed due to my hands not being able to handle tenths and above (I am not Rachmaninoff), but the adjustments still remain in the same chord. Therefore, first order of business is to highlight Sean's work for the existence of the sheet music. Kudos to his brain and ears in figuring out these chords. If you have not checked out his channel, you're missing out on some great clarinet covers. If you haven't checked out Deemo the game, still highly recommend you do! Even though, this particular track appears much later in the game, the tracks that come before should be just as enjoyable :) Among them are other Edmund Fu tracks too! Hope you guys enjoy!! __ Various Links: ShonHayashi: / linnaes Sheet Music: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5fA... mp3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5f... __ credits Rainbow's End from Deemo (game) song: Edmund Fu transcription: ShonHayashi piano: Fesnir