Jesus is Here For Everyone - Sermon by Fr Christian Wood
Sermon and Gospel Reading: Matthew 2:1-12 - Fr Christian Wood - 6 January 2021 Feast of the Epiphany - Church of the Redeemer Sarasota Come join us in person or online in worshiping Our Lord Jesus Christ at Church of the Redeemer Sarasota, Florida. Whether you live in the Sarasota area or elsewhere, we warmly invite you to join our church family. More information at: https://www.redeemersarasota.org/next... Subscribe for more videos of masses, sermons, sacred music, and faith formation: / redeemersarasota Find us on Facebook: / redeemersarasota Also, on Instagram: / redeemersarasota Our website is here: https://www.redeemersarasota.org