Concurso De Disfraces 05 | Vir The Robot Boy In Español Shorts | Fancy Dress Competition #S04E03
Concurso De Disfraces 05 | Vir The Robot Boy In Español Shorts | Fancy Dress Competition #S04E03 "Concurso De Disfraces is an exciting episode of Vir The Robot Boy in Spanish. In this fun-filled episode, Vir participates in a fancy dress competition, showcasing his creativity and robot abilities. Watch as he competes in the event, using his skills to impress everyone and make the competition more thrilling! Follow Wowkidz: Blog- http://wowkidztv.blogspot.in/ Facebook- / wowkidztv Instagram- / wowkidztv Twitter- / wowkidztv Subscribe to our other channels: WOW KIDZ: https://goo.gl/1XxMQT WOWKIDZ RHYMES: https://goo.gl/xg7wnh WOWKIDZ COMEDY: https://goo.gl/HQtaCG WOWKIDZ ACTION: https://goo.gl/1cnYvc #VirTheRobotBoy #ConcursoDeDisfraces #FancyDressCompetition #Español #KidsShow #Cartoon #Adventure #RobotBoy