20200906 FOREVERㅣWE SING HALLELUJAH 찬양 할렐루야ㅣ오버플로잉워십ㅣ드럼캠,드럼커버 DRUMCAM, DRUMCOVER COPYRIGHT ⓒ 2013 Kari Jobe Carnes MusicWorship Together MusicBethel Music Publishing CREATED BY Brian Johnson Christa Black Gifford Gabriel Wilson Jenn Johnson Joel Taylor Kari Jobe FROM 'Majestic (Deluxe Edition) [Live]' +바로 가사로 넘어가겠습니다 예수님의 십자가 사건을 잘 그려낸 찬양이라 생각합니다 과연 우리는 십자가를 생각하면 어떤 생각을 할까요? [Verse 1] 저 해와 달과 별 모두 빛을 잃고 The moon and stars they wept The morning sun was dead 세상의 구원자 죽으셨네 The Savior of the world was fallen 십자가에 달려 보혈 흘리셨네 His body on the cross His blood poured out for us 모든 저주 그가 지셨네 The weight of every curse upon him [Verse 2] 하늘도 외면한 마지막 숨소리 One final breath He gave As Heaven looked away 어둠 속에 주가 누이셨네 The Son of God was laid in darkness 무덤 속에 전투 죽음과 싸웠네 A battle in the grave The war on death was waged 어둠의 권세는 무너졌네 The power of hell forever broken [Pre-Chorus] 온 땅 흔들리고 돌문이 열렸네 The ground began to shake The stone was rolled away 이길 수 없는 완전한 사랑 His perfect love could not be overcome 사망아 어디 있느냐 Now death where is your sting 부활하신 주님 사망 권세 이겼네 Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated [Chorus] 영원히 영광 받으실 Forever, He is glorified 영원히 높임 받으실 Forever, He is lifted high 영원히 승리하실 Forever, He is risen 주 사셨네, 주 사셨네 He is alive, He is alive [Bridge] & [Tag] x4 찬양 할렐루야, 찬양 할렐루야 We sing Hallelujah, We sing Hallelujah 찬양 할렐루야 승리한 어린양 We sing Hallelujah The Lamb has overcome ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 넘치는교회(김포유스센터) 주일예배 1부 오전:09:00 2부 오전:11:00 (실시간 스트리밍) 주소: 경기 김포시 통진읍 가현리 242-4 Overflowing Church (Gimpo Youth Center) Sunday worship AM 09:00, AM 11:00 Address : 65-63, Masong-ro, Tongjin-eup, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea [넘치는교회 / 오버플로잉워십 미니스트리 ] Homepage : Facebook : Youtube : Instagram : [Drummer 윤민제] Youtube : Facebook : Instagram : 구독과 좋아요 부탁드려요 ^^ If you're interested, subscribe This talk will continue Thank you for watching HAVE FUN~!!! EXPERIENCE GOD, BE A LIFESTYLE MISSIONARY