We've reached peak Avatar here - Avatar The Last Airbender Season 3 Episode 5: The Beach
This is it, we've reached the best of the best. I honestly don't think this show can get any better for me personally. You give a prime fish out of water story like this and yall telling me the show just gets better? Nah I'm calling cap. The show has peaked I'm calling it now lol. Here's the reaction to season/book 3 episode/chapter 5 of Avatar The Last Airbender "The Beach". Please enjoy yall. Toss A penny to your boy, editing vids is time consuming: https://streamlabs.com/aege95/tip Get earlier series reactions, join the membership here & support me further: / @aegechill Twitter: / aege95 Twitch: / aege95 Business Email: [email protected] BackUp Channel if this channel get terminated: / @aegebechillin #Avatar #ATLA #AvatarTheLastAirbender #WheresMyGirlSuki