Aaha Tamatar Bade Majedaar | आहा टमाटर | Hindi Nursery Rhymes | Kids Song #KIDDOZ FUN WORLD🍅🍅

Aaha Tamatar Bade Majedaar | आहा टमाटर | Hindi Nursery Rhymes | Kids Song #KIDDOZ FUN WORLD🍅🍅

आहा टमाटर | Aaha Tamatar Bade Majedaar | Nursery Rhymes and Kids Song in Hindi #KIDDOZ FUN WORLD This Hindi Rhyme Aaha tamatar bade majefaar for Children is hopefully one of the the best collection of Hindi rhymes in 3D character animation. This collection of Hindi poem is entertaining material for kids.This Hindi Rhyme has pleasent music and colorful background and cute chubby characters is sure to attract babies.🥰🥰 Search queries Baby poem video Infant videos for baby sleeping Sound for newborn babies to sleep New born videos for baby sleep Baby shows for newborn Infant learning videos for babies Soothing sound for newborn English rhymes for babies Nursery rhymes for babies Rhymes for nursery class in English Hindi nursery rhymes for babies Latest Hindi rhymes for babies Hindi rhymes for 2 years old baby Nursery rhyme for babies Indian Best Hindi rhymes for nursery Hindi short rhymes for nursery Hindi rhymes for LKG students Rhymes in English for LKG students Hindi rhymes for LKG students Rhymes in English for LKG students English rhymes for 2 years baby Rhymes for babies English with lyrics English rhymes for 3 years baby Junior kg rhymes Family Fun Poem Latest poem for baby KIDDOZ FUN WORLD -hindi nursery rhymes and songs Ukg rhymes Nursery class poem Hindi poem 4 kids Cute baby video rhymes Koi nursery rhymes hindi rhymes easy hindi rhymes for nursery Hindi baby songs Hindi baby cartoons Nursery rhymes learning songs Baby poem video Bacchon cartoon poem New hindi rhymes Hindi rhymes for nursery class poem in hindi ukg ki poem lkg rhymes poem for kids child poem in hindi hindi poem kg 1 rhymes kids hindi poem kids poem in hindi lkg bacchon ki poem lkg poem new hindi rhymes poem recitation competition rhymes for ukg aaha tamatar bada majedaar beautiful rhymes class1 hindi poem hindi rhymes for kids junior kg rhymes kg 1 class poem kg 1 poem kids rhymes in hindi lkg class poem lkg class rhymes lkg ka poem lkg ki poem lkg songs lkg ukg poem #tamatar​ #HindiRhymesForChildrens​ #आहा​ टमाटर #rhymes​ #ahatamatar​ #nurseryrhymes​ #hindirhymes​ #KIDDOZFUNWORLD #nurseryrhymes​ #ahatamatarbademazedaar​ #ahatamatarbademajedar KIDDOZ FUN WORLD Aaha tamatar bade majedaar आहा टमाटर बड़े मजेदार Poem hindi poem kids poem hindi Best hindi poem for recitation competition Prize winning hindi poem for recitation Motivational hindi poem for Kids Hindi poem for school competition Hindi rhymes for nursery Hindi superb hindi poem for recitation Hindi poem for primary students Hindi poem recitation for lkg Hindi poem recitation for Ukg Hindi poem recitation for nursery Hindi poem recitation for kids Hindi poem recitation for toddlers Hindi poem recitation for preschool Hindi poem recitation for junior kg Nursery rhymes for kids Hindi Poem Mumma ki help kaise kare hindi poem hindi poem for kids hindi poem for preschool hindi poem for toddlers Free hindi poem for kids Online Free poem learning New Hindi Rhymes Kids Songs Hindi songs for kids Kids songs​ Nursery rhymes​ Children music​ Learning songs​ Educational music​ Fun for kids​ SingAlong​ Kids entertainment​ Lyrics videos​ Classic Childrens Music​ Colorful​ rhymes Fun For All Ages​ Music for kids​ Kids dancing​ The learning station Kids song​ Kids songs​ Kids music​ Kids Nursery rhymes​ Rhymes​ Kids poem Baby Rhymes Hindi Songs New Hindi Rhymes Hindi Rhymes For Nursery Class Check out our latest uploads on Kids Learning Videos ,Kids Moral Stories ,Fun Rhymes ,Rhymes for Children ,Children Songs ,children stories ,Hindi Nursery Rhymes. Please download and watch all our beautiful rhymes -    / @jyotiverma-1479   🥳 Hum Bachche Hun Bachche    • Hindi Poem | Hum Bachche Hum Bachche ...   🥳 Top 5 Nursery Rhymes    • अ से अनार |अ,आ, इ, ई| हिंदी वर्णमाला ...   🥳 Hindi Varnmala    • अ से अनार |अ,आ, इ, ई| हिंदी वर्णमाला ...   🥳 ABCD Alphabets    • ABCD | A to Z | Alphabets | A for App...   🥳 Chotu Hathi    • Chotu Hathi🐘 | छोटू हाथी 🐘 | Ek Mota ...   🥳 Swar अ से अ:    • अ से अः तक के स्वर | अ - अः वर्णमाला ...   🥳 Number Names 1 to 20    • Number Names 1 to 20 💐| number names ...   🥳 Chidiya    • चिड़िया 🐦। Chidiya । हिन्दी कविता ।  ...   Please subscribe and never miss new videos of KIDDOZ FUN WORLD. Lyrics - Aaha tamatar bada majedar, wah tamatar bada majedar Ek din isko chuhe ne khaya, bili ko bhi mar bhagaya Aaha tamatar bada majedar Ek din isko chinti ne khaya, hathi ko bhi mar bhagaya Aaha tamatar bada majedar toEk din isko patlo ne khaya, motu ko bhi mar bhagaya Aa ha tamatar bada majedar Ek din isko bandar ne khaya, sher ko bhi mar bhagaya Aaha tamata bada majedar, wah tamatar bada majedar #tamatar​ #HindiRhymesForChildrens​ #आहा​ टमाटर #rhymes​ #ahatamatar​ #nurseryrhymes​ #hindirhymes​ #KIDDOZFUNWORLD #nurseryrhymes​ #ahatamatarbademazedaar​ #ahatamatarbademajedar​