FULL VLOG: HOW WE MET YERI of RED VELVET! BLUE BIRTHDAY Premiere CGV Yongsan, Seoul, Korea 블루 벗데이 예리
from Anisa Larasati Supriyati of Galamedianews com: Kim Yerim atau yang dikenal dengan nama #Yeri dari #RedVelvet, memulai debut filmnya dengan judul ‘#BlueBirthday’ Bahkan saat ini tengah trending tagar #KimYerim_BigScreenDebut sebagai bentuk dukungan ReVeluv untuk debut film Yeri Red Velvet Hal ini membuat para ReVeluv (panggilan penggemar Red Velvet), antusias akan debut film perdananya Dalam film Blue Birthday, Yeri Red Velvet menjadi salah satu tokoh utama, bersanding dengan Yang Hong-seok dari anggota boyband Pentagon Berikut ini 10 Fakta mengenai Yeri Red Velvet, yang dikutip GalamediaNews com dari berbagai sumber: 1 Yeri Red Velvet lahir pada 5 Maret 1999 2 Yeri Red Velvet mempunyai 3 orang adik 3 Yeri Red Velvet mempunyai nama inggris Katy about Blue Birthday by Lopa K of mea 'Blue Birthday': Red Velvet Yeri, Pentagon Hongseok to make film debut with K-drama The time-travelling romantic K-drama 'Blue Birthday' is being turned into a movie It looks like we will be getting our favorite idol actors on the big screen Red Velvet’s Yeri landed her first acting project with ‘Blue Birthday’ where she played the female lead Oh Ha-rin opposite Pentagon’s Hongseok who played Ji Seo-joon The time-traveling romance was a hit among K-pop and K-drama lovers Following its commercial success, its production has teamed up with CGV who is focusing on their new ambitious project, the Cinerama Project CGV has been partnering with drama productions to release projects in both K-drama, as well as a feature film format Those who love cliffhangers and suspense can watch the stories as K-drama episodes that are aired weekly Those who prefer the experience of watching the whole story at a stretch on the big screen can watch the movie version Since the movie version is released after the K-drama finishes airing, as an incentive, unreleased footage and scenes are included in the film And the same treatment has been given to Red Velvet’s Yeri and Pentagon Hongseok’s ‘Blue Birthday’ about Blue Birthday in Korean by 문화부 (jebo@imaeil com) of imaeil com; 블루버스데이 감독:박단희 출연:예리, 홍석, 김결유 레드벨벳의 예리가 주연을 맡은 웹드라마 '블루버스데이'의 극장판 버전 16부작의 드라마를 러닝타임 137분의 영화로 재편집했다 10년 전 세상을 떠난 첫사랑을 되살리기 위해 과거와 현재를 오가는 스토리를 담고 있다 10년 전 생일날 짝사랑하던 서준(홍석)을 떠나보낸 오하린(예리) 10년 후 2021년 생일날 서준의 유품인 카메라에서 그가 찍었던 8장의 사진을 갖게 된다 너무 가슴 아팠던 하린은 사진을 태워버린다 그런데 정신을 차리고 보니 사진 속 10년 전으로 돌아가 있다 카메라의 사진은 8장, 시간 여행을 할 수 있는 기회도 8번뿐이다 그러나 시간을 돌릴 때마다 필연적인 불운을 맞게 된다 과연 과거를 바꿀 수 있을까 드라마에서는 볼 수 없었던 장면도 추가됐다 137분 12세 이상 관람가