(PS5) Dying Light 2: Stay Human [Hard/No Death/100%/All Collectibles/Time Stamp] Part 9

(PS5) Dying Light 2: Stay Human [Hard/No Death/100%/All Collectibles/Time Stamp] Part 9

Welcome everyone to my first PS5 Walkthrough on this channel. I originally started this game on PS4 and it was a mess of bugs and glitches so I'm back again playing it on PS5 on Balance Performance. This walkthrough of Dying Light 2 will consist of the following: Main and Side Quests, All Combat and Parkour Challenges, Collectibles, Dialogue, Cutscenes, and much more. Dying Light 2 is a Survivor Horror Game by Techland that takes place 15 years after the first game. This game features various mechanics such as parkour, combat, stealth, scavenging / crafting items and the world of Dying Light 2 is your playground. So come along with me on this journey through the world of Dying Light 2. If your new and you liked the content provided please consider hitting that like and sub button for more content like this. Thank You all so much and until next. :) Time Stamp: -Villedor Newscast (1:32) -Newspaper Article: Oct 11th, 2015 (13:55) -Peace of Mind (16:52) -Sleeper (18:40) -Turn Me On (30:11)