11-15-2020 33rdSunday in Ordinary Time - Holy Mass Celebration, English 10:00 am - St. Jerome, Brook

11-15-2020 33rdSunday in Ordinary Time - Holy Mass Celebration, English 10:00 am - St. Jerome, Brook

11-15-2020 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 am Holy Mass Celebration - English St. Jerome R.C. Church, Brooklyn Parish 2900 Newkirk Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11226 (718) 462-0223 Msgr Pierre André Pierre, Celebrant Ms. Anita Brann, Lector Mr. Hakim Hill, Cantor/Organist Mrs. Rosey Gilbert, Announcer Mr. Wildy Joseph, Broadcaster Your generosity is what allows us to sustain our parish during this time. Please consider mailing your envelopes or using our convenient electronic giving method. You can access our E-giving page at https://givecentral.org/stjbrooklyn Or simply text the word SUNDAY to 917-905-2031 Thank you for celebrating the Lord with us today. Have a blessed day!