Silent Night, Deadly Night: Every Movie in the Franchise Ranked and Reviewed
In this video, I am talking about every single film in the Silent Night, Deadly Night franchise. It is, essentially, a compilation of the 6 individual reviews I made, and uploaded, on the franchise. It is a mixed bag of: Christmas horror. Christmas slasher. Christmas monsters. Christmas religious horror Pagan horror. So-bad-it-is-good horror Religious horror An awful remake The franchise is primarily known for its best of the worst second installment, Silent Night, Deadly Night 2, which has the iconic "Garbage Day" line. But it is much more than that. The second film is ungodly awful, but in the best way possible. And the first installment is genuinely quite ok. The fourth installment is a true hidden gem and the fifth installment is bonkers. The remake is just plain awful. So here is my compilation of all of the videos I did on the franchise. Contents: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 01:17 - Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) 11:56 - Silent Night, Deadly Night II (1987) 25:00 - Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out (1989) 39:57 - Silent Night, Deadly Night 4: Initiation (1990) 1:02:53 - Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker (1991) 1:15:36 - Silent Night (2012) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Music used in outro: Odyssey by jiglr It is stock music and should therefore not compromise any copyright laws. You can find it here: https://www.free-stock-music.com/jigl... #silentnightdeadlynight #silentnightdeadlynight2 #silentnightdeadlynight1 #silentnightdeadlynight1984 #silentnightdeadlynight1987 #silentnight #silentnightfranchise #silentnightreview #silentnight3 #silentnightdeadlynight3 #silentnightdeadlynight4 #silentnightdeadlynight5 #silentnightremake #silentnightdeadlynightremake #Silentnight #deadlynight #christmas #christmashorror #christmasslasher #santahorror #santaslasher #killersanta #Christmaskiller #Santathriller #christmasthriller #santaclaus #santaclause #christmasmovie #holidays #holidaysmovie #holidayshorror #slasher #horror #cultclassics #80shorror #80sslasher #80sclassics #eightiesghorror #eighties #eightiescinema #80scinema #horrorclassics #horrorgems #slasherclassic #slasherclassics #slashergem #slashermoviegem #moviegems #hiddengems #hiddenhorror #hiddenhorrormovies #obscure #obscurehorror #obscurehorrormovie #obscurechristmas #obscurechristmasmovie #horrorfranchise #thrillerfranchise#moviereview #horrormoviepodcast #horrorpodcast #thriller #franchisereview #horrormovie #horrorfranchise #slasher #moviereview #podcast #moviepodcast #horrorpodcast #horrormoviepodcast #scarymovie #scarymovies #reviewpodcast #horror #lazyreviews #lazyfranchise #lazyfranchisereviews #goodbadflicks #goodbadmovies #sobaditsgood #bestoftheworst #bestoftheworstmovies