I want it that way (clip) with everything else music that I've done so far

I want it that way (clip) with everything else music that I've done so far

#amongussong Art my own Disclaimer: No Copyright infringement intended. I do not own the audio in this video besides the editing. They belong to their rightful owner. This video is purely for fun, fan-made content, and entertainment. Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976 allows this material for fair use only. Songs used: lyi'n 2 me cg5:    • Lyin' 2 Me - Among Us Song   Slowly fall apart Shadrow:   • Slowly Fall Apart (Among Us Song) - [...   it ain't me by ChewieCatt:    • "It Ain't Me" - Among Us Song | By Ch...   It wasn't me by Twilike Wonder:    • It Wasn't Me! (Among US) [Mini Song]   Seal your fate by Kyle Allen Music:    • Seal Your Fate ▶ AMONG US SONG   Gather up by Noah McKnight:    • 【AMONG US SONG】 "GATHER UP" - Noah Mc...   New dawn by ChewieCatt:    • "New Dawn" - Among Us Song | by Chewi...   Good to be alive by Cg5:    • Good To Be Alive - Among Us Song   I Want It That Way | Brooklyn Nine-Nine:   • I Want It That Way | Brooklyn Nine-Nine