Office of Readings, 09-28-2024, Saturday, Twenty-Fifth Week of Ordinary Time
Lyrics by Paul Chu and V.J. Tarantino. Hymn available on Cloudhymnal.org. By the Jordan’s waters down Jesus Christ the Word, Was proclaimed by Baptist John As the Lamb of God Bring us down to the font, In His death we're baptised, Lead us up from the font, To a new life in Christ we arise. From the Jordan’s waters up He, baptized by John, Was, beneath the heavenly Dove, Named Beloved Son. Bring us down to the font, In His death we're baptised, Lead us up from the font, To a new life in Christ we arise. Sacred Beauty common prayer: Sacred Beauty is an Approved Private Association of the Faithful in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, devoted to allowing the beauty and holiness of God to be made present in the world, first through Eucharistic contemplation, then through artistic and intellectual creativity and receptivity informed by and dedicated to Jesus in the Eucharist. We pray the Office of Readings and Evening Prayer daily on YouTube; click “open transcript” to pray with us. With gratitude to the administration of St. John XXIII Parish, West Haven, CT, for permitting us to record our prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in their beautiful church of St. John Vianney.