March 16 - Mass + Lenten Retreat 3/3

March 16 - Mass + Lenten Retreat 3/3

Christ is the Way! NEWS UPDATE: PARISH LENTEN RETREAT: “The Twenty Four Hours of the Passion of Jesus” Our reflection will be led by Father Thomas Celso, beginning Sunday, March 14, at 7 PM and continues to Monday and Tuesday. Please note the daily Masses on Monday and Tuesday will be celebrated at 6:30 PM. The Sacrament of Penance and reconciliation will be celebrated in the Family Room from 7 until 8 PM. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD. Parents, do avail your children of the Virtual Children’s Liturgy of the Word on our YouTube Channel. Use these videos to help your children prepare for Sunday Mass or as further reflection on the Sunday readings. See video description box for activity pages. Thanks to Mary Beth Lombard and Missy Marino for their wonderful ministry to our children. MASS AD ORIENTEM. Since January 15, Friday, we starting offering the celebration of the Mass Ad orientem (towards the east), and we will continue to do this every Friday. At the celebration of the Mass Ad orientem, during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the people with the priest are facing God together eastward, where the Cross is, as well as, the tabernacle. During Lent and Easter, we will alternate celebrating Masses versus populum (facing the people) and ad orientem (towards the east). Check out the FAQ Page on Mass Ad orientem. REFLECTION ON THE RESPECT & REVERENCE SURVEY. Thank you to parishioners who participated in the survey last January. Do take the time to read the remarks, the reflection, and the provided catechesis, where needed. They are in the Bulletin Page. LENT 2021. Check out our Facebook page for daily Lenten resources. PARISH WEBSITE: Please visit for the following resources: Worship Aid Mass Sign Up Year of the Sacraments Resources Parish Bulletin Online Donation (Sunday Collection, Building Fund) PARISH APP: Text ‘App’ to 88202. Download ‘myParish App,’ and select ‘Saint Patrick’ in Victor NY. Thank you, and God bless you. Father Edison