Live Rosary- Glorious Mysteries

Live Rosary- Glorious Mysteries

Welcome to the Rosary Crew, a live-stream prayer community devoted to praying the Rosary every day. We are so happy to have you join us! Unpacking the Mass for this week:    • 2nd Sunday of Lent   5-year Anniversary Shirts are available here: NEW! Keith's interview with The Religious Hippie:    • Amber Rose (The Religious Hippie)   Donations here: The Catholic Woodworker Rosary Crew Rosary is now available! Click here to order: Use code ROSARYCREW-FREESHIP to receive free shipping on your order. To receive a free pocket Rosary Crew Rosary from the Catholic Woodworker become an ANNUAL supporter on Locals. Our Locals community has live streams, exclusive content, and more. Estelle's book is available here: Please subscribe to Keith's email list: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL "ROSARY CREW WITH KEITH NESTER" Hit the notification bell too. Mailing address: Stewardship A Mission of Faith 48 Industrial Road Elizabethtown, PA 17022