Resident Evil 5 [ PS4 ] - Part 1 ( Veteran Version " Again " )

Resident Evil 5 [ PS4 ] - Part 1 ( Veteran Version " Again " )

What's up everbody? As I said earlier to you, that I will give you a full walkthrough for the " Resident Evil 5 ". And now is the time to give. You must think why I like slaughtering zombies, zombie shooting actually not an easy thing different with humans, here requires tremendous focus under pressure and that is the extremely like about resident evil. Movement of the characters in this game is a little bit stiff, when we play but for a stay calm, everything will be under control. In this resident evil 5 main character is Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar. To be able to adjust the style of play that rely on peer with each other, then I suggest that each carrying a long-range weapon and close like a shotgun. Sheva will not be giving you a hard. as long as you can give him the bullet then he will help with high accuracy. That's the opening words of mine, congratulations watched zombie hunting large - scale. Enjoy! 2. - 04:39. Chapter 1 - 1. ( Civilian Checkpoint ) 3. - 18:50. Confront Angry Mob ( Zombie ) 4. - 26:48. Chapter 1 - 2. ( Public Assembly ) To be Continue.