Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - HERO OF JUSTICE DLC Pack 1 Trailer | REACTION | GIANT PICCOLO FINALLY!!

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero - HERO OF JUSTICE DLC Pack 1 Trailer | REACTION | GIANT PICCOLO FINALLY!!

Welcome to Fantastic Talks! The Channel for Geeks and all things Nerdy! I am back to bring you a new DragonBall Sparking Zero video for you guys because we finally have a trailer to the first DLC pack being released next week! Showcasing our main characters from the Super Hero movie with all their moves and transformations! They look amazing! Check out my reaction and let me know in the comments below how excited are you and what you're hoping from the Daima DLC coming next! Please do drop a like if you've enjoyed the video and subscribe so you don't miss out on more DragonBall discussions coming soon! Thanks guys! #dragonballdaima #dragonball #sparkingzero #review #sparkingzerogameplay #goku #vegeta #piccolo #bulma #kibito #supremekai #shin #glorio #minigoku #minivegeta #dragonballxenoverse2 #dragonballxenoverse3 #dragonballz #kakarot #kakarotdlc #nahare #gokublack #gohanblack #superhero #gamma #cellmax #gohanbeast #orangepiccolo #mods #sparkingzeromods #bandainamco #bandainamcoentertainment #bandainamcogames #broly #frieza #onepiece #boruto #jiren #trunks #dbz #sonicmovie3 #shadow #Belmod #toppo #champa #ultrainstinctgoku #dabura #bardock #heroofjustice #ssj3vegeta #supersaiyan3vegeta #beastgohan #reaction