믿을 수 없는 실제 스파이 비밀장비 Top 10
기원전부터 존재했을 것으로 추정되는 스파이는 과거부터 현재에 이르기까지 암암리에 활동하고 있다. 역사 속에서 실제 활동했었던 스파이들의 비밀장비에 대해 알아보자. 믿을 수 없는 실제 스파이 비밀장비 열 가지는 무엇일까? 자료출처 CIA www.spymuseum.org U.S. National Archives and Records Administration mrgarethm - Golden Gun - International Spy Museum Yemyomyint78 - Mosfet = Metal Oxided Semi-Conductor Field Effect Transistor Roi Boshi - Stasi Spy Camera in a box. Maksym Kozlenko - Coin with microfilm Museum of Science and Technology Belgrade Szilas - HQ of OPCW in The Hague Jorge Láscar - Kuala Lumpur International Airport Spy Camera Pen - The spy camera pen with pinhole lens built in, is used for spy activity Kubrick 574 - Logo 007 Spectre Dave McLear - Bell Rocket Belt – James Bond Thunderball Scontrofrontale - James Bond Requisiten Fototeca online a comunismului românesc Israel Defense Forces - Israel Defense Forces - Hamas Eavesdropping Station Pi.1415926535 - Aerial view of CIA headquarters in September 2018 Josh Tremper - This umbrella shot a ricin pellet into someone's leg RicHard-59 - Ricin_bullet_size Vagabontbg - Bulgaria 1978 Plovdiv city at Plovdiv Roman Stadium Dhowes9 - Waterloo Bridge. City of Westminster Joyofmuseums - Glove Pistol - www.joyofmuseums.com - International Spy Museum Joyofmuseums - Kiss of Death, Lipstick Pistol - www.joyofmuseums.com - International Spy Museum Helmut J. Wolf - Bundesarchiv Bild 173-1282, Berlin, Brandenburger Tor, Wasserwerfer RudolfSimon - KGB Building Moscow Kremlin.ru - Vladimir Putin in KGB uniform Farragutful - 2019 International Spy Museum 03 Dragonfly Insectothopter - Dragonfly Insectothopter - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency