Power Nap Guided Meditation To Beat The Midday Slump 😴 Best nap meditation (female voice)

Power Nap Guided Meditation To Beat The Midday Slump 😴 Best nap meditation (female voice)

Allow me to gently guide you through a power nap with this guided meditation. With a background of relaxing piano music and rain. Designed to get you relaxed and cozy to power down before you power on through your afternoon. The positive effects of napping have been proven by research, showing that a short mid-day nap can increase alertness, improve reaction time and clear your mind. When taken shortly before the need to be productive - a midday sleep is a great productivity boost. This afternoon nap meditation will guide you through a gentle relaxation practice so that you may rest deeply, refresh completely, energize optimally and creatively find ways to achieve big goals for yourself. Listening to this meditation while napping will make that process smoother, easier and even more beneficial for your productivity at work and over the course of each day. This afternoon nap meditation will guide you from feeling drowsy and unproductive to feeling alert and refreshed through the power of napping. You can use this nap meditation knowing that you will feel safe and comfortable throughout the experience. Even though this meditation video is 30 minutes long, you are guided through the ideal time for a power nap. You'll actually spend between 10-20 minutes napping in the lighter stages of non-rapid eye movement (NREM). So the next time you try to push on through the afternoon feeling sluggish, find this video. Get comfortable, and feel an easiness spread through your body as you snuggle into your soft cocoon. Although science and experience tells us that the midday nap is a wonderful habit to have, many of us don't seem to allow time for naps anymore. Nap pods have popped up in trendy tech companies because they understand that their staff are more creative and productive when they get a chance for nap time to beat the mid-afternoon slump. Remember back to the last time you tried to power on through a sluggish afternoon. Pushing aside cues that you are tired. And now think how more productive you may have been if you had recharged your energy with a short nap. ⌚Time stamps⌚ 00:00 Welcome to this afternoon nap meditation 00:15 Quick body scan 01:23 Nap guided imagery 4:55 Timed nap 22:55 End of afternoon nap 23:13 Affirmations for positive energy Remember that by attending to your sleep you are also protecting your mind and mental health. It’s your body and you know your cues for tiredness better than anyone else. Ultimately, you get to decide when you need an afternoon nap to work at your best for the rest of the day. Be well, be calm, ❤ Clare © Generation Calm 2022 #powernap #guided meditation #generationcalm Music used Dreamland - by Jonny Easton Link:    • Gentle night rain with soft piano - S...   -- Affiliate link to purchase Sleepphones -- I have been buying SleepPhones for my personal use for over 5 years. I use them for Zoom calls, listening to podcasts during my walk, and while sleeping. I love them!! (If you use this link when buying sleep phones I may earn a commission) https://www.sleepphones.com/?aff=457 ⬇ A few other places where you can find me ⬇ ☕ to support my Youtube channel for the price of a coffee ☕ https://ko-fi.com/generationcalm ⭐️I’m slowly trying to make my meditations available to buy as audio MP3 downloads⭐️ https://ko-fi.com/generationcalm/shop 📰 Email Newsletter ⏩ https://www.generationcalm.com/ 🔎 Website ⏩ https://www.generationcalm.com/blog/ ⭐️ Pinterest ⏩   / pins   Disclaimer: This information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health condition or disease and is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or healthcare provider. Relaxation techniques should be used as a complement to whatever medical regime your doctor prescribes, not as a replacement. Generation Calm is where you can become a master at reducing your stress and anxiety naturally in your own time, so you can keep your body and mind feeling great. Remember to use the LIKE button and please SUBSCRIBE for a new video every other week @ https://www.youtube.com/generationcal... I research, write, narrate and edit free Guided Meditation videos for people who are suffering with chronic illnesses. I qualified as a Clinical Psychologist in 2004 but was creating relaxation resources for my clinical clients even before that (using a tape recorder 🖭). Using my knowledge, soft voice and empathy, I create my meditations with the hope that they’ll reach the right person exactly when they need it. I hope this video brings you light, love and happiness. Thank you so much for watching my videos and for linking, sharing and subscribing.