Popular Sister Ashamed Of Her Disabled Sister, She Instantly Regrets It |TheQueensReality
Popular Sister Ashamed Of Her Disabled Sister, She Instantly Regrets It |TheQueensReality 📩For business please email: [email protected] TheQueensReality DIRECTED BY: Vanessa {📷IG: @Vanessakelvins} / vanessakelvins CAST: MOM- Aaliyah {📷IG: @m3laningirl} / m3laningirl Twin 1: Sasha {📷IG: @sashak_asherk} / the.queensfamily Twins 2: Asher {📷IG: @sashak_asherk} / the.queensfamily SEE YOU NEXT TIME #24 ON TREDING #7 ON TRENDING #12 ON TREDING #28 ON TRENDING • The KYLIE LIP PRA... REMEMBER - we want to create powerful messages that will resonate with a global audience. So please help my videos to change lives by SHARING! ❤️ ⚑ CONNECT WITH ME ⚑ Instagram ➜ / the.queensf. . SHOP AT ➜ https://tqfbooth.com/ 📩For business please email: [email protected] CAST: Asher Sasha Aaliyah #lifelessons #QueensReality #Dharmann