Live Better, Longer with Dr. Dean Ornish and Billy Beck | The Tony Robbins Podcast
No matter who you are, your age, your background, it’s likely that you’ve thought about improving your health this time of year. In fact, more than half of new year’s resolutions in the United States are health related, like exercising more, or eating healthier. Whatever health looks like to you – one thing is for sure: Without it, you can’t make progress in other areas of your life. When your health suffers, so does everything else – your relationships, your career, finances, your loved ones and family. But with the hundreds of diets, workouts and supplements, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. Living in a state of peak health has served as the foundation for Tony’s success throughout his entire life – because without your health, you can’t perform at your full capacity. Tony is not a health expert, but he brings in experts to speak at his events, like world-renowned doctors and researchers, to give his audience multiple perspectives on health so they can make informed decisions about their lifestyle. In this episode, you’ll hear from two of those people: Dr. Dean Ornish, a well-known physician and researcher, and Tony’s personal trainer Billy Beck, who works with him every day as he travels the world, helping him maintain the energy he needs to serve his audience at the highest level possible. You’ll also hear from Tony, on the mindset you need to embrace in order to do something that so many people struggle to do: lose weight, and keep it off for good. EPISODE NOTES [01:53] Episode introduction [03:55] Segment 1: Tony on the fundamental steps of lasting change [04:40] Food as a way of getting out of pain and into pleasure [05:09] You don’t succeed using willpower alone [05:51] Decide what you want and what’s preventing you from having it [06:30] Repetition is the mother of skill [07:15] The importance of focusing on what you want [08:00] Define what your compelling target is [08:45] Why leverage is key to losing weight [09:30] Decide on something, and stick to it [10:00] Download the Breakthrough app [10:30] Segment 2: Dr. Dean Ornish on how to change mind and body [11:16] The power of meditation and focusing energy [11:45] When you focus your mind, it has an effect on your body [12:39] Quieting your mind and body for performance [12:56] What sets world class athletes apart from the rest [13:15] Lifestyle changes to prevent Type 2 Diabetes [13:35] The Navigator Study [14:17] Get your blood sugar down to avoid complications [14:46] Reframe the fear of change to joy [15:13] The power of neuroplasticity [15:47] How to combat cognitive decline with diet [16:20] Increasing neurogenesis with food [17:03] The spectrum approach to health [18:00] The different categories of foods within the spectrum [18:50] Ask yourself: how much are you willing to change? [19:37] Plants are the optimal way of eating [20:20] Why sugar can be toxic [20:46] The benefits of fish oil [22:15] The real epidemic: loneliness and depression [22:58] It’s not how long we live, it’s how well [23:20] Compassion and love heal separation [22:50] Use the experience of suffering for transformation [24:24] Learn more about Life and Wealth Mastery [24:50] Segment 3: Interview with Billy Beck, Tony’s personal trainer [27:43] What Billy does to maintain peak performance [28:24] The practice of purpose when training [29:20] Tony’s morning adrenal support cocktail [28:38] PM, red light lasers, and applied kinesiology [30:10] Dr. Jerry Tennant’s device [30:26] Breakfast, Egoscue, Rebounding, Cryotherapy [31:30] Dr. Jerry Tennant and the idea of voltage [33:20] The truth about red light therapy [34:15] Exercise for a higher purpose than losing weight [34:40] Billy’s purpose and long-term vision [35:33] Doing workouts with intention, not just to look good [36:40] Traditional fitness says “you’re not enough” [37:54] The new paradigm: I am worthy [38:44] What holds people back from getting healthier [39:22] The story of Milo of Creton [40:12] The 3 types of exercise [41:00] The higher the voltage, the stronger the immune function [42:00] How to build ATP [42:25] Billy Beck’s 7 day challenge [42:53] The best ratio: testosterone high, cortisol low [43:51] Training of professional athletes vs. non professional athletes [44:03] Sage Robbins’ experience of working with Billy [46:20] #1 health myth – no pain, no gain [46:48] Stimulate your body, don’t annihilate it [47:03] The BOSS principle – how you know if your workout is working [48:02] The core principles that work for every human being [48:28] Drink enough water [49:07] Eat whole foods, avoid processed [49:30] Create a routine [50:22] How intermittent fasting can help with decision making [50:45] Broccoli sprouts and the work of Dr. Rhonda Patrick [51:39] Study on intermittent fasting [52:37] Emotional hunger vs. physical hunger [53:15] Why it’s important to have integrity with yourself [53:34] Billy Beck’s 7 day challenge /12 day primer