제15차 탄기국 태극기 집회 2017년 3월 1일 2시 6분 광화문 사거리 행진 대기 대형 태극기
제15차 탄핵기각 총궐기 국민대회 2017년 3월 1일 청와대로 행진하기 위해 미리 대기 중인 대형 태극기 Pro-Park rallies, Supporters of Park Anti-Impeachment Rallies in Seoul Korea Thousands of protesters call for Stopping impeachment process of President Park Protesters in downtown Seoul Korea From Seoul Station to Gwanghwamun Gate include City Hall more than 5 millions supporters demand immediate stop the impeachment process of President Park Geun-hye part of the demonstrators march twoard Cheongwadae(the Blue House, the Korean presidential residence) Biggest Anti-Impeachment Rallies this year South Korean right-wing protest for President Park in Seoul 2017 March 1st 朴槿恵大統領の 「弾劾反対」 デモ ソウル市庁 広場ひろば デモ隊は国会の解散を要求している デモ隊は大統領復帰を要求している デモ隊は大統領、無罪を主張している デモ隊は大統領府に行進している