How to remove suggested contacts from share sheet when sharing photos on iPhone

How to remove suggested contacts from share sheet when sharing photos on iPhone

In this video today we will see How to remove suggested contacts when sharing photos on iPhone. When you share an image or a document in iPhone using apps such as messenger or WhatsApp then the contacts will be saved and will be shown whenever you try to share any other document. So, let's us see how to remove the suggested contacts. If I go to Photos application and suppose if I want to share any photo then what you will see is you will see a list of contacts that appears here. So these are the suggested contact to whom you have already shared and if you want to remove the list of the suggested contact what you can do is you can tap and hold the contact and then select this option "suggest less". Tap on the contact suggest less. So in this way you will be able to remove the suggested contact in iPhone. Subscribe to my channel:    / @iphonetipsandtricks   Watch some of our popular videos How to turn off two factor authentication for iPhone Turn off do not disturb while driving Set time limit for your childern in iPad or iPhone What if you forget apple id and password both #removesuggestedcontact