20 June 2021 | Morning Worship | St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan

20 June 2021 | Morning Worship | St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan

Recording from Morning Worship at St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan. 00:00 Intimations 02:21 Intro Countdown 04:50 Praise: Come people of the risen King 08:37 Welcome to Worship 09:09 Opening Prayer 13:03 Praise: Mighty to save 16:25 Readings: Psalm 107: 1-3, 23-32, Mark 4: 35-41 19:50 Sermon 38:20 Praise: Be Thou my vision 41:51 Prayer for others 49:39 Praise: The Blessing 54:41 Blessing If you would like to make an offering as part of your worship please use this link: https://pay.sumup.io/b2c/QLWBHRPL?utm... Music: Come people of the risen King | Mighty to save | Be Thou my vision | The Blessing - Worship Lyric Videos - used with permission, all rights reserved. Introduction Music: Loop Community and Bensound - used with permission. Images courtesy of Unsplash.com St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan (also known as Annan: St. Andrew’s) Scottish Charity no. SC010891 CCLI Licence 187908 | Streaming Plus Licence 134437 #AnnanStAndrews #StABConline