Day 23: Grogu's Hoverpram build from the 2021 Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar #shorts

Day 23: Grogu's Hoverpram build from the 2021 Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar #shorts

The excitement is at an all-time high with Day 23 of our Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar unboxing series with Lego Set 75307! Get ready to build Grogu's Hoverpram, the perfect mode of transportation for baby Yoda we opened the day before! With only one more day to go, the anticipation is building to see what final surprises and builds are behind the last door. Don't miss out on this holiday tradition as we count down to Christmas with new Star Wars characters and vehicles every day. Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase. Treat yourself to one of these Star Wars Lego sets (Plus this purchase supports the show): #Lego #StarWars #TheMandalorian #LegoStarWars #christmas #BabyYoda #Jedi #Sith #Mando #minifigures #legominifigures #geekculture #nostalgia #bestowtv #Shorts 👉🏻Please SUBSCRIBE to Bestow TV! 🌏 ~~~~OUR OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA ~~~~🌏 💠Facebook:   / friendsofbestowtv   💠Twitter:   / bestowprod   📸 Instagram:   /   ~~~~ MERCHANDISE ~~~~ 👕 Spreadshirt: Disclosure: Some of links are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.