Cosmic Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis (Meditation) | Find Answers in Your Dreams

Cosmic Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis (Meditation) | Find Answers in Your Dreams

This cosmic lucid dreaming meditation takes you on a mind shifting psychedelic experience to meet 3 mystical guides in a lucid dream. This session begins with instructions to set you up for success and cycles through relaxation and reality checks to give you a few opportunities to enter into theta state and a lucid dream. I then guide you to clear thoughts from your mind and you perceive a brilliant light in your mind's eye from which every colour emerges. It doesn't matter if you are not visual as through synesthesia you can experience the touch of silver, the scent of green and the taste of gold. From these ribbons of light 3 mystical characters emerge, each one with a purpose: to help you overcome a doubt or fear, to move through or around obstacles and to assist you in helping you achieve your wish or dream. 🎧 Download this MP3 👉 🎧 Visit the MP3 online store 👉 🎧 You can now get MP3s in your favourite podcast app. You will automatically receive your private podcast feed link with any purchase of an MP3. Learn more here 👉 Time Stamps 00:00 Intro 01:40 Start and Lucid dreaming prep for reality check 03:35 Lucid dreaming prep 05:17 Relaxation 19:16 Lucid dreaming landscape 28:15 Psychedelic colours appear 46:10 3 visitors in your dreams 63:05 Get your wish granted in your lucid dream 🌟 More lucid dreaming meditations and hypnosis sessions 👉    • Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis and Guided Me...   🌟 Astral projection meditations 👉    • Astral Projection Hypnosis and Medita...   Learn more about me, how hypnotherapy helped me overcome more than a decade of insomnia in just a few sessions, the neuroscience behind hypnotherapy, and my passion for low-cost and no-cost support for all. 👉 If you have benefitted from my work, please donate one time by Paypal at to allow me to continue to produce low-cost and no-cost support for all. Alternatively, you can donate through Donorbox by credit card or Paypal Thank you ❤ Sarah 🔔 Subscribe to this channel and press the bell icon 🔔 to be notified as soon as there is a new release:    / unlockyourlifetoday   📱Connect on Facebook:   / unlockyourlifetoday   📱Follow on Instagram:   / unlockyourlifetoday   ----------------------------------------------------- Royalty-free music "Deep Cosmic Meditation Music" available from Royalty-free video and / or images and thumbnail created in Photosonic and/or ---------------------------------------------------- #unlockyourlifetoday #luciddreams #luciddreaming ----------------------------------------------------- Please ensure you read the full health advisory and disclaimer and seek any medical advice from your doctor if you have a confirmed or suspected health condition before listening to this. Do not listen to any of my recordings while performing any other task and always ensure you are in a safe environment. All scripts are unique and protected by copyright law by © Sarah Dresser and may not be transcribed, re-used or re-recorded in part or whole whether for public or private practice use. All recordings are also copyright protected and are not permitted for public broadcasting, or any form of paid or unpaid distribution other than for private, individual use. These recordings may be removed or deleted at any time with no notice.