Hotteok (Korean street food style sweet pancakes) | 옛날 찰호떡 만들기
This old fashioned Hotteok is a Korean street food style sweet pancake These soft and chewy Hotteok pancake has oozing hot cinnamon brown sugar filling inside and it is utterly irresistible Be careful when you eat Hotteok right out of the pan It can be really hot Printable recipe: Timestamps 00:00 - Intro 00:17 - Dry ingredients (마른재료) 01:10 - Wet ingredients (젖은재료) 01:34 - Mixing the dough (반죽섞기) 02:25 - Brown sugar filling (호떡소) 03:05 - Dough texture after rising (숙성후 반죽상태) 03:25 - Shaping the dough (호떡모양만들기) 05:24 - Pressing the hotteok (호떡누르기) 06:37 - How to eat hotteok (호떡먹기) 어릴적 길거리에서 팔던 찰호떡 레시피입니다 부드러운면서도 쫄깃한 호떡반죽에 계피향 은은한 호떡소가 들어있어요 땅콩대신 좋아하는 견과류를 사용해보세요 재료 (호떡 8개): 중력분 2 5 컵 (300 g) 찹쌀가루 0 5 컵 (80 g) 설탕 1 큰술 인스턴트 이스트 2 1/4 작은술 베이킹파우더 0 5 작은술 소금 1 작은술 우유 1+1/3 컵 (필요하다면 조금 더) 기름 1 큰술 호떡소: 황설탕 2/3 컵 (140 g) 계피가루 1 작은술 다진 땅콩 or 견과류 4 큰술 소금 1 꼬집 Product Used In This Video Hotteok Press: MY COOKBOOK: Korean Cooking Favorites ALL OF HOLLY'S RECIPES: Follow me on social media: Facebook: Instagram: #Hotteok #HotteokPress #KoreanDessert #KoreanSweetPancake #호떡 #옛날호떡 Disclaimer: product links may include affiliate links