Epstein-Barr Virus with Dr. Kasia Kines | The Million Marker Live Sessions

Epstein-Barr Virus with Dr. Kasia Kines | The Million Marker Live Sessions

Thank you for joining us today. Approximately 95% of the healthy population have Epstein-Barr Virus, also known as EBV. For most people, this virus lives dormant in their bodies. However, EBV can trigger infectious mononucleosis, also called mono. Also some factors, such as environmental toxicants, may modify EBV’s behavior. That is why we are so excited to be joined today by Dr. Kasia Kines. Dr. Kines is the Founder and CEO of the Global EBV Institute and author of the bestselling book The EBV Solution. We are going to ask Dr. Kines about deconstructing EBV, handling stress associated with EBV, and Dr. Kines’s EBV Recovery Program. Learn more about Dr. Kines's services: https://ebvhelp.com/ Get tested for BPA, phthalates, parabens, and other hormone-disrupting chemicals with Million Marker's Detect & Detox Test Kit: https://www.millionmarker.com/