Evil Spiritual Alters be destroyed. #short #trendingshorts #prayer #koinonia #apostlejoshuaselman

Evil Spiritual Alters be destroyed. #short #trendingshorts #prayer #koinonia #apostlejoshuaselman

The worst thing in this life is to be tormented by the force of darkness yet you're unable to set yourself free. Alters at much far older than you're. That's while they have much advantage over your life. But the truth is, Alters don't have power, but it gain power through the sacrifice that's been sacrificed on it. Are You Under Attack? 4 Signs That Shows Demonic Altars are Fighting You by Apostle Joshua Selman #apostlejoshuaselman #koinonia #koinoniaglobal #prayer #message #apostle #apostlejoshuaselmanmessages #trending #family