lucky charm [supercharge good luck + intuition]

lucky charm [supercharge good luck + intuition]

Hello friends, I have created this sub to enhance and attract good luck and also to heighten intuition (leading to even luckier circumstances). I layered the sub with questions, suggestions as well as standard affirmations in a variety of ways to easily appeal to the subconsconscious mind. The sub is also enhanced with my own energy, and recorded in a human voice. Because of the way the sub was written, a complete list of all affirmations and suggestions will exceed character limitations, but I will include the most significant ones below. *Pre boosters included standard to all of my subs Affirmations good luck comes from allowing it; always allowing self to be extremely lucky have complete faith in ability to receive good luck; great luck is birthright completely possible to be amazingly lucky in ways now unnoticed certain the universe is conspiring to make self as lucky as possible everything has magical way of working out for self so fantastically lucky luckiest person who's ever lived the better self feels, the luckier self becomes incredibly positive mindset good luck brings amazing opportunities for wealth, health, love and happiness incredible intuition that leads to most favorable circumstances intuition includes what to say, do, where to go great luck flows absolutely every golden opportunity clear and obviously available no matter how things seem, complete confidence that self is extremely lucky great luck guides self to all the best situations, people and opportunities incredibly blessed daily reaping rewards of being so fantastically lucky becoming luckier and luckier all the time huge success in any undertaking godlike good luck that opens every path everyone notices how things magically work out for self always visualizing situations which enhance good luck magically maximizing every opportunity supernatural intuition that enables self to access perfect luck always expecting the best and always receiving it engage in practices that encourage positive energy flow easily recover from any adverse event knowing good luck will attract more positive circumstances good luck brings every possible advantage always attracting miracles easily attracting abundance always in right place right time consistently winning at all things large and small good luck just brings desires faster eternal optimist probability altered in favour; reality conforms to self perpetually connected to field of good luck allowing subconscious telekinesis if it pulls self from harm or into desirable circumstances permanently enhanced good luck just by allowing it luck continuously building momentum in perpetual loop every time listen to subliminal, belief in good luck magnified 1000 times absolutely permanently luckiest person alive now accepting all changes to body, energy and mindset which are safe and desirable great luck is birthright and superpower of self