Today I'm starting seeds indoors. Learn how to start seeds indoors, when to sow seeds inside, what works and doesn't work, and seed starting mistakes to avoid! If you're a beginner or a gardener who struggles to find his/her green thumb, this video will be all you need to get started & sow seeds successfully. #sowingseeds #startingseeds #seedstarting ———— M Y L I N K S ———— G A R D E N I N G P R O D U C T S I L O V E ► https://linktr.ee/nowgardening I N S T A G R A M ► / now_gardening F A C E B O O K ► / nowgardening E M A I L ► nowgardeningfrance@gmail.com ——— Y T V I D E O L I N K S ——— If you enjoyed this video, you might enjoy this one too: Don't Start a Garden Before Doing This! • It's a Love Story! 🍅❤️🍅 #shorts #toma... ——— O T H E R L I N K S ——— Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com This video used free stock photos from Unsplash: Photo by Altifarm Enverde Photo by Markus Spiske Photo by Kaufmann Mercantile Photo by Camille Brodard Photo by Giulia Hetherington Photo by william santos Photo by Delaney Van