ROSARY@5 – 17 August 2024     Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

ROSARY@5 – 17 August 2024 Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Brothers in Christ, Today, I want to share with you a powerful and deeply meaningful way to understand Mary, the Mother of God, by reflecting on her as the "Ark of the Covenant." This title isn't just an ancient or symbolic phrase but something that speaks directly to our lives as Catholic men today. The Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament First, let's recall what the Ark of the Covenant was in the Old Testament. The Ark was a sacred chest that God commanded the Israelites to build. It was made of the finest materials and housed the Ten Commandments, Aaron's rod, and a jar of manna—symbols of God's covenant, priesthood, and provision. The Ark wasn't just an artifact; it was the holiest object in Israel, representing God's presence among His people. Wherever the Ark went, God's presence and power went with it. Mary as the New Ark of the Covenant Now, fast forward to the New Testament, and we see Mary as the new Ark of the Covenant. Instead of carrying tablets of stone, she carried within her the living Word of God—Jesus Christ. Just as the Old Ark was a vessel of God's presence, Mary bore the very presence of God in her womb. This isn't just a poetic comparison; it's a profound truth about who Mary is and what she means for us. Connecting This to Our Lives Today So, what does this mean for us as men living in today's world? How is this relevant? 1. Mary as a Model of Holiness: Just as the Ark was made of the finest materials, Mary was created pure, "full of grace" (Luke 1:28), to be a worthy vessel for Christ. As Catholic men, we're called to strive for holiness in our own lives, to be vessels of God's presence in the world. This means making our hearts and lives places where God can dwell—through prayer, the sacraments, and living out the virtues. 2. Carrying God's Presence into the World: The Ark of the Covenant brought God's presence wherever it went, leading Israel in battle, bringing blessings, and even causing awe and fear among their enemies. Similarly, Mary brought Jesus into the world, and we, too, are called to carry Christ into our homes, workplaces, and communities. How we live, how we love, and how we lead can be a way of making Christ present in the world today. 3. Mary's Example of Courage and Faith: Mary said "yes" to God with incredible courage and faith, even though it meant facing uncertainty, hardship, and even suffering. As men, we're often called to make tough decisions, lead our families, and stand up for our faith in a world that might not always understand or support us. Mary's example reminds us that with faith, we can embrace our calling and trust in God's plan, no matter the challenges. 4. The Power of God's Covenant: The Ark was a sign of God's covenant with His people—a promise of His faithfulness and love. In Mary, we see the ultimate fulfilment of that covenant through Jesus Christ. Today, we live under this new covenant, sealed by Christ's blood, and Mary, as the Ark, reminds us of the faithfulness of God. In moments of doubt or difficulty, we can turn to Mary, who always points us back to her Son and the unbreakable promise of God's love. Conclusion As we reflect on Mary as the Ark of the Covenant, let's allow her example to inspire us. Let's strive to be holy vessels of God's presence, bring Christ into the world by our words and actions, and live with the courage and faith that Mary showed. In a world that often needs the light of Christ more than ever, let’s commit ourselves to being that light, with Mary as our model and guide. Let us pray together that, like Mary, we may carry Christ into the world and live out our faith with courage, holiness, and love. Amen. A Friend Of OUR Lady