5 Reasons why Lust is the Ultimate Test for Chosen Ones | ISLAM

5 Reasons why Lust is the Ultimate Test for Chosen Ones | ISLAM

#seekislam #Islam #LustInIslam Why is lust such a powerful test for believers? Why do those who sincerely try to stay pure seem to struggle the most? If you’ve been battling these desires silently, know this—you're not alone, and your struggle is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign that your soul is valuable, and Shaytan knows it. In today’s world, temptation is everywhere—on social media, in movies, in conversations. What was once shameful is now normalized. But what does Islam say about this? And most importantly—how can you fight back? 📖 The Quran warns us: “And do not approach zina (fornication). Indeed, it is an outrageous act and an evil way.” (Surah Al-Isra 17:32) 🔍 So why is resisting lust so difficult? What makes it one of the greatest tests believers face? This video uncovers the hidden reasons behind this struggle—and how to overcome it. In This Video, You’ll Learn: 1️⃣ Why Shaytan specifically targets those who strive for purity. 2️⃣ How modern society is designed to keep people trapped in lust. 3️⃣ The battle between your nafs (inner desires) and your faith. 4️⃣ How lust rewires the brain and makes it harder to stop. 5️⃣ Why resisting temptation is actually a path to spiritual elevation. 💡 If you’ve been struggling, don’t let guilt consume you. Allah doesn’t expect perfection—He expects effort. And as long as you keep fighting, you are winning. 🔔 If this message resonates with you, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe. Let’s strive together on this path toward purity and strength. #seekislam #Islam #LustInIslam #ResistingTemptation #SpiritOfLust #OvercomingLust #Purity #OvercomingAddiction #Shaytan #SpiritualStruggles #QuranicWisdom #Faith #Purity #SelfControl