How to easily beat Voilet spider | Spider Granny Black Myth Wukong
The Violet Spider is a main Yaoguai "Queen" boss fight that you can encounter in Chapter 4 of Black Myth Wukong. The leader of the Spider Guai and master of The Webbed Hollow, the Violet Spider and her six daughters control this region, and their mother has particular plans for the pig known as Zhu Bajie. The Violet Spider is a required and non-missable boss in Chapter 4. She is the final boss of the Webbed Hollow Section, and must be defeated to progress to the next area. After you have reached the Lower Hollow and defeated Zhu Bajie to free him of his bewitching curse, he'll be abducted again. To reach him (and the Violet Spider), you'll need to ascend the Purfiying Spring outside the Hut of Immortality, and follow the trail upwards to The Gathering Cave where the spider queen awaits you. Much like The Second Sister, this boss will take the form of a gigantic and fearsome spider, and uses attacks in a few similar ways. She can lash out with her appendages, which will subtly shift into long blades but also give you a clue as to where her main attacks will come from. As you might expect, you'll also have to deal with dodging both poison and webbing, making mobility key to your survival. her eyes will start to glow, signifying her second phase. Things will get very scary if her eyes start to glow even brighter and mesmerize you. If this happens, you'll suddenly be transported to an illusory realm where you're on a bed of webs instead of solid ground. This can get extremely bad as the more you move around, the more you'll be slowed until eventually you'll be exposed as you try and break free of the webbing. Expect the Violet Spider to absolutely take advantage of your vulnerability in these moments, attacking with both her talons and a large jump slam attack that even staggers her for a bit. You'll need to stand your ground and use Rock Solid to knock away her blasts if you're unable to dodge them in time. The good news is this phase doesn't last forever, but you will need to survive it for about 30 seconds, so you should also consider utilizing Immobilize to trap her in place, or even a Transformation Spell to offload the damage onto a different form. Her eyes will stop glowing after you've been mesmerized once, so once the room is back to normal, continue to dodge her projectiles and get your hits in after her violent stabs and slam attacks. When the queen of spiders finally falls to your assault, she'll beat a hasty retreat to return to wherever she's hidden the Sage's Relic. You'll need to follow quickly, because a literal spider army will appear to give chase! Rewards: Spider Leg, Refined Iron Sand, 3410 Experience, 2608 Will Enjoy! If you liked the video please remember to leave a Like & Comment, I appreciate it a lot! Black Myth: Wukong Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - The journey begins : • Black Myth: Wukong Walkthrough Gamepl... All boss fights :- • BOSS Fights ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to my Channel - / @epicsucker3388 Follow me on Twitter : https://twitter.com/EpicSucker2196 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Myth: Wukong is an action role-playing game developed and published by Game Science. It is inspired by the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West. You shall set out as the Destined One to venture into the challenges and marvels ahead, to uncover the obscured truth beneath the veil of a glorious legend from the past. #BlackMythWukong #Voiletspider #spiderbossbattle #blackmythwukonggameplay4k #blackmythtips #VioletSpider #BossFightGuide #WebbedHollow #PoisonBoss #GamingStrategy #ActionRPG #EpicBossFight #GamingWalkthrough #WukongVsVioletSpider #BossFightTips #MythologyInspiredGame #GamingTipsAndTricks #BlackMythGuide #BossFightStrategies #GamingCommunity #HowToBeatVioletSpiderBlackMythWukong #VioletSpiderBossGuide #BlackMythWukongHardestBoss #VioletSpiderTipsAndTricks #SpiderBossWeakness #DefeatVioletSpiderEasy #BlackMythWukongGameplay #VioletSpiderNoDamage #BossStrategy2023 #VioletSpiderSecretMoves #BestBuildForVioletSpider #BlackMythWukongWalkthrough #ChineseMythologyBoss #JourneyToTheWestBoss #VioletSpiderAttackPatterns #BossRewardsBlackMyth #VioletSpiderLore #CheeseStrategyBoss #ActionRPGBossFights #HardestBossFight