⚡BLOCKBUSTER SUBLIMINAL BOOSTER🌌 i get result in 10s, this booster is too overpowered [MEGACOLLAB]

⚡BLOCKBUSTER SUBLIMINAL BOOSTER🌌 i get result in 10s, this booster is too overpowered [MEGACOLLAB]

MEGACOLLAB BLOCKBUSTER BOOSTER🌌🌆 Before going to some details, if you want to donate me, you can send the money to my paypal: send to family/friends ‘[email protected]’ I'm collecting money to continue my studies hihi so i would love to appreciate your help🥺👉👈 🌃 This is a subliminal booster + limiting beliefs & blockage dissolver + mind strengthener & reprogrammer + manifestation booster (basically manifest all wishes instantly 🌃 We use all the manifestation methods we know, we are almost 20 people in this collaboration and we combine all of our knowledge into this sub. 🌃 THIS SUB IS UNIVERSAL: unisex 🪔 BASIC POINTS OF AFFIRMATIONS: 📫English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pDJ3... 📫Spanish: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o... 📫Russian: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rEzL... 📫Portuguese: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f... 📫Arabic: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z... 📫 +++ ALL BENEFITS FROM MY FORBIDDEN BOOSTER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zeWz... 🪔♡ self-concept: one of the biggest causes of not getting results is self-concepts. they believe they are incapable of getting them. this section focuses on changing your mindset so that you believe that listening this once will get you immediate results 🪔♡ receiving results: Preparing your body, conscious mind, unconscious mind and absolutely everything about you to be ready to receive a change and not only be ready, but to do so firmly in every single cell 🪔♡ manifest with any feeling and emotion: giving you the mindset to be able to manifest WITH any energy you have, whether positive or negative. you will be able to get results with any emotion or feeling 🪔♡ mental reprogramming: reprogram your mind to eliminate previous limiting beliefs and convince it that you've always had, have and will have your ideal results, nothing stopping you from obtaining your desires 🪔♡ master of manifestation: manifest each of your (genuine) desires at the exact moment you want them, being a master of manifestation who knows that you have limitless potential to manifest it. 🪔♡ eliminate limiting beliefs + blocks: I don’t put any affirmations such as ‘eliminate...’ or ‘get rid of...’. Therefore, we replace it with positive affirmations which will enhance your belief and convince your mind that you’ll have positive results with all audios, all methods and all formulas. 🪔♡ magnetic field of results: Creating a virtual magnetic field that allows you to stop searching and begging for results, as they will automatically be attracted to you. 🪔♡ placebo effect: all your daily activities to act as a placebo that will lead you to get your results. e.g. blinking, breathing, moving etc will get you results ♡ brain synchronization: This wiill synchronize your left and right brain so that they work in harmony and give you symmetrical results. 🪔♡ the mirror: It will boost your results every time you look in the mirror because you know you already have your results and they are ALREADY yours. 🪔♡ at the speed of light: Modify your brain to absorb all affirmations like a sponge, manifesting results at the speed of light 🪔♡ DNA: IF YOU WANT, your dna will be SAFELY modified to 100% match your appearance, visuals, personality and mindset (IT DOES NOT SPECIFICALLY CHANGE CERTAIN GENES. As a medstud, I'm fully aware of how dangerous it is to delete or modify specific genes. I NEVER put any specific affs for that in my sub {if you knew me from the start, i already told you this several times whenever someone asked me to make a sub to modify specific genes to get their desires such as short sleepers gene or slim body genes. I always decline it and explain everything}. But this sub is different, it just contains simple & METAPHORICAL affs to make your results engraved in your genes so you'll have it forever. IF YOU WANT IT ANYWAY. 🪔♡ visualization: there are people who can't visualize or don't know how, then this section will help you to be capable of it. but if you don't want to, it will also give you the unconscious ability for your mind to create a mental image of what you want. 🪔♡ fixer: Embedding all the results in. It will get rid of the belief that ‘results can disappear and go away’. It’s embbeded in your anatomical and mental structures so they will last permanently unless you want to modify them 📧 Send your VISIBLE picture results to [email protected] (free 1 sub for 1 lucky sender each month) collab w/ ‪@zvibe_0531‬‪@RoyAudios.‬​‪@theKataleyaeffect‬‪@ChristaAudios.‬‪@SubliminalGoddess‬ ‪@EnchantedWorkshop‬ ‪@mselixir‬ ‪@kely.submaker‬ ‪@Cherry.90s‬ ‪@baejincafe‬ ‪@mii1111‬ ‪@gio_subss‬ ‪@thxpplx‬ ‪@Beatsubliminal‬ ‪@itshikaru001‬‪@sweetener.s‬@Юкинэ‪@damysubs‬